Friday, 9 August 2019

Creation of Custom Parameterized ESS job in oracle fusion

How to create CUSTOM parameterized ESS in fusion

First of all create a data model and a report associated with it .
Now go to data model to create a parameterized query

select full_name from per_person_names_f where 1=1
and upper(first_name) like '%'||upper(:P_fname)||'%'
and upper(last_name) like '%'||upper(:P_Lname)||'%'

See sequence of parameters

Output be like

Now go to set up and maintenance and go to search > task > manage %ES%

We can select the ESS for the Human capital management
Go to + sign to create ESS

Enter all details

And also create two parameter : one with first name and another with last name and both are mandatory in the report

Two parameters:
One is required and another is not required:

Enter the report id as path of XDO present in Fusion
Select jobtype as BIPJobtype
Enter the name and all details

Now go to schedule the ESS job
Schedule new process

So, from the above screenshot we can easily conclude that if we keep the ordering / sequencing of the parameter same in BIP Report and ESS Job then the application automatically maps the parameter with the ESS Job argument and no explicit linking is required.
*Note: One can use the up-down arrow buttons (highlighted in yellow above) to re-order the parameters. One should ensure that the parameter order should exactly be same as that of BIP Report parameter sequencing.


Scheduling Trigger in BI publisher Fusion Oracle

First of all create new Data Model and report , I am considering that you are well aware about the Data model and Report creation in BIP

Create an trigger into it , named as event trigger , same name you have to select at the time of scheduling the report

Create report

After creating report we can go to schedule the report

Click on use trigger

We can see event trigger name is present in trigger

Use of schedule trigger :
A schedule trigger allows you to conditionally execute an occurrence of a job. When the schedule time occurs, the schedule trigger is checked. If the schedule trigger returns data, the job will proceed. If no data is returned the occurrence of that job is skipped.

You will get a mail if successfully data returned

Change the  trigger name which you have defined in Data model , let say ORA_TRIGGER and also in data model change the query also (which will return no data so we can apply simply 1=2  in where clause )

Here it is ORA_TRIGGER
Now go to schedule the report again

This is the output of report

When there is no output then SKIPPED and if output is there then SUCCESS
If we are removing query from trigger and putting the query only in data model then scheduling will fail

Error : failed to execute event trigger

In this way we can use schedule trigger in oracle BI report fusion 


Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Logic for insert data in Database in OAF

1. First, we have to write one new method in AMImpl class for creating new record

public void InsertRecord()
 InsertVOImpl vo= getInsertVO1();
 OADBTransaction trans= getOADBTransaction();
 Row v_row;
 v_row = (Row)vo.createRow();

2. In controller,  we have to initialise the AM in processRequest

public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
 super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
 InsertRecordsAMImpl am=(InsertRecordsAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
 am.InsertRecord();  /* Name of the method which we created in AM */

3. In processFormRequest, we have to write code for save the record into database.

public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
 super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);
 InsertRecordsAMImpl am=(InsertRecordsAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
 throw new OAException("Employee Created sucsessfully",OAException.CONFIRMATION);

thats it 

Monday, 29 July 2019

Packages Specifications/Body in Oracle Apps

Package related information : Subprograms / Cursor into package
What is Package in Oracle?
PL/SQL package is a logical grouping of a related subprogram (procedure/function) into a single element. A Package is compiled and stored as a database object that can be used later.
Components of Packages
PL/SQL package has two components.
  • Package Specification
  • Package Body
Package Specification
Package specification consists of a declaration of all the public variables, cursors, objects, procedures, functions, and exception.
Below are few characteristics of the Package specification.
  • The elements which are all declared in the specification can be accessed from outside of the package. Such elements are known as a public element.
  • The package specification is a standalone element that means it can exist alone without package body.
  • Whenever a package has referred an instance of the package is created for that particular session.
  • After the instance is created for a session, all the package elements that are initiated in that instance are valid until the end of the session.
<sub_program and public element declaration>
END <package name>
The above syntax shows the creation of package specification.
Package Body
It consists of the definition of all the elements that are present in the package specification. It can also have a definition of elements that are not declared in the specification, these elements are called private elements and can be called only from inside the package.
Below are characteristics of a package body.
  • It should contain definitions for all the subprograms/cursors that have been declared in the specification.
  • It can also have more subprograms or other elements that are not declared in specification. These are called private elements.
  • It is a dependable object, and it depends on package specification.
  • The state of the package body becomes 'Invalid' whenever the specification is compiled. Therefore, it needs to be recompiled each time after the compilation of specification.
  • The private elements should be defined first before they are used in the package body.
  • The first part of the package is the global declaration part. This includes variables, cursors and private elements (forward declaration) that is visible to the entire package.
  • The last part of the package is Package initialization part that executes one time whenever a package is referred first time in the session.
<global_declaration part>
<Private element definition>
<sub_program and public element definition>
<Package Initialization>
END <package_name>
  • The above syntax shows the creation of package body.
Now we are going to see how to refer package elements in the program.
Referring Package Elements
Once the elements are declared and defined in the package, we need to refer the elements to use them.
All the public elements of the package can be referred by calling the package name followed by the element name separated by period i.e. '<package_name>.<element_name>'.
The public variable of the package can also be used in the same way to assign and fetch values from them i.e. '<package_name>.<variable_name>'.
Create Package in PL/SQL
In PL/SQL whenever a package is referred/called in a session a new instance will be created for that package.
Oracle provides a facility to initialize package elements or to perform any activity at the time of this instance creation through 'Package Initialization'.
This is nothing but an execution block that is written in the package body after defining all the package elements. This block will be executed whenever a package is referred for the first time in the session.
<Private element definition>
<sub_program and public element definition>
<Package Initialization>
END <package_name>
  • The above syntax shows the definition of package initialization in the package body.
Forward Declarations
Forward declaration/reference in the package is nothing but declaring the private elements separately and defining it in the later part of the package body.
Private elements can be referred only if it is already declared in the package body. For this reason, forward declaration is used. But it is rather unusual to use because in most of the time private elements are declared and defined in the first part of the package body.
Forward declaration is an option provided by Oracle, it is not mandatory and using and not using is up to programmer's requirement.
<Private element declaration>
<Public element definition that refer the above private element>
<Private element definition>
<package_initialization code>;
END <package_name>
The above syntax shows forward declaration. The private elements are declared separately in the forward part of the package, and they have been defined in the later part.
Cursors Usage in Package
Unlike other Elements one needs to be careful in using cursors inside the package.
If the cursor is defined in the package specification or in global part of the package body, then the cursor once opened will persist till the end of the session.
So one should always use the cursor attributes '%ISOPEN' to verify the state of the cursor before referring it.
Overloading is the concept of having many subprograms with the same name. These subprograms will be differing from each other by a number of parameters or types of parameters or return type i.e. subprogram with the same name but with different number of parameters, different type of parameters or different retype are considered as overloading.
This is useful when many subprograms needs to do the same task, but the way of calling each of them should be different. In this case, the subprogram name will be kept same for all and the parameters will be changed as per calling statement.
Example 1: In this example, we are going to create a package to get and set the values of employee's information in 'emp' table. The get_record function will return the record type output for the given employee number, and set_record procedure will insert the record type record into the emp table.
Step 1) Package Specification Creation

PROCEDURE set_record (p_emp_rec IN emp%ROWTYPE);
FUNCTION get record (p_emp no IN NUMBER) RETURN emp%ROWTYPE;
END get_set:
Package created
Code Explanation
  • Code line 1-5: Creating the package specification for get_set with one procedure and one function. These two are now public elements of this package.
Step 2) Package contains Package body, where all procedures and functions actual definition will be defined. In this step, Package Body is created.

PROCEDURE set_record(p_emp_rec IN emp%ROWTYPE)
VALUES(p_emp_rec.emp_name,p_emp_rec.emp_no; p_emp_rec.salary,p_emp_rec.manager);
END set_record;
FUNCTION get_record(p_emp_no IN NUMBER)
l_emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE;
SELECT * INTO l_emp_rec FROM emp where emp_no=p_emp_no
RETURN l_emp_rec;
END get_record;
dbms_output.put_line(‘Control is now executing the package initialization part');
END get_set:
Package body created
Code Explanation
  • Code line 7: Creating the package body.
  • Code line 9-16: Defining the element 'set_record' that is declared in the specification. This is same as defining the standalone procedure in PL/SQL.
  • Code line 17-24: Defining the element 'get_record'. It is same as defining the standalone function.
  • Code line 25-26: Defining the package initialization part.
Step 3) Creating an anonymous block to insert and display the records by referring to the above created package.

l_emp_rec emp%ROWTYPE;
l_get_rec emp%ROWTYPE;
dbms output.put line(‘Insert new record for employee 1004');
dbms_output.put_line(‘Record inserted');
dbms output.put line(‘Calling get function to display the inserted record'):
l_get_rec:= get_set.get_record(1004);
dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee name: ‘||l_get_rec.emp_name);
dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee number:‘||l_get_rec.emp_no);
dbms_output.put_line(‘Employee salary:‘||l_get_rec.salary');
dbms output.put line(‘Employee manager:‘||1_get_rec.manager);                 
Insert new record for employee 1004
Control is now executing the package initialization part
Record inserted
Calling get function to display the inserted record
Employee name: CCC
Employee number: 1004
Employee salary: 20000
Employee manager: BBB
Code Explanation:
  • Code line 34-37: Populating the data for record type variable in an anonymous block to call 'set_record' element of the package.
  • Code line 38: Call has been made to 'set_record' of get_set package. Now the package is instantiated and it will persist until the end of the session.
  • The package initialization part is executed since this is the first call to the package.
  • The record in inserted by the 'set_record' element into the table.
  • Code line 41: Calling the 'get_record' element to display the details of the inserted employee.
  • The package is referred for the second time during the 'get_record' call to the package. But the initialization part is not executed this time as the package is already initialized in this session.
  • Code line 42-45: Printing the employee details.
Dependency in Packages
Since the package is the logical grouping of related things, it has some dependencies. Following are the dependency that is to be taken care.
  • A Specification is a standalone object.
  • A Package body is dependent on specification.
  • Package body can be compiled separately. Whenever specification is compiled, the body needs to be recompiled as it will become invalid.
  • The subprogram in package body that is dependent on a private element should be defined only after the private element declaration.
  • The database objects that are referred in the specification and body needs to be in valid status at the time of package compilation.
Package Information
Once the package information is created, the package information such as package source, subprogram details, and overload details are available in the Oracle data definition tables.
Below table gives the data definition table and the package information that is available in the table.
Table Name
Gives the details of the package like object_id, creation_date, last_ddl_time, etc. It will contain the objects created by all users.
SELECT * FROM all_objects where object_name ='<package_name>'
Gives the details of the package like object_id, creation_date, last_ddl_time, etc. It will contain the objects created by the current user.
SELECT * FROM user_objects where object_name ='<package_name>'
Gives the source of the objects created by all users.
SELECT * FROM all_source where name='<package_name>'
Gives the source of the objects created by the current user.
SELECT * FROM user_source where name='<package_name>'
Gives the subprogram details like object_id, overload details, etc created by all users.
SELECT * FROM all_procedures Where object_name='<package_name>'
Gives the subprogram details like object_id, overload details, etc. created by the current user.
SELECT * FROM user_procedures Where object_name='<package_name>'
UTL FILE – An Overview
UTL File is the separate utility package provided by Oracle to perform special tasks. This is mainly used for reading and write the operating system files from PL/SQL packages or subprograms. It got the separate functions to put the information and to get the information from files. It also allows to read/write in the native character set.
The Programmer can use this to write operating system files of any type and the file will be written directly to the database server. The name and directory path will be mentioned at the time writing

This is complete details for the package and related functions and procedures
Practical Example:
1/ Create table , create package and one procedure , insert data into table via executing package and procedure .  same subprogram in package spec and same in package body
create table test_check_age(age number, gender varchar2(2), name varchar2(20));

create or replace package vshn_pack_name
PROCEDURE INSERT_IN_DB (val in test_check_age%rowtype) ;
end vshn_pack_name;

create or replace package body vshn_pack_name
PROCEDURE INSERT_IN_DB (val in test_check_age%rowtype)
insert into test_check_age values (val.age,val.gender,'Himadas');
end ;
end vshn_pack_name;

l_emp_Rec  test_check_age%rowtype;
end ;

select * from test_check_age;

1 record will come

2/ Now one subprogram in package spec and 2 subprogram in body .
create or replace package vshn_pack_name
PROCEDURE INSERT_IN_DB (val in test_check_age%rowtype) ;
end vshn_pack_name;

create or replace package body vshn_pack_name
Procedure delete_from_db(val in test_check_age%rowtype)
delete from test_check_age ;
end ;
PROCEDURE INSERT_IN_DB (val in test_check_age%rowtype)
insert into test_check_age values (val.age,val.gender,'Himadas');
end ;
end vshn_pack_name;

compiled successfully

we can see that we define procedure delete_from_db but did not declare it , so when execute the procedure then error will come

We have to declare the subprogram

Now we try to create same subprogram name outside the package and it will fail as same name exits

create or replace procedure delete_from_db(val in test_check_age%rowtype) as
delete from test_check_age ;
end ;

create or replace package body vshn_pack_name
Procedure delete_from_db(val in test_check_age%rowtype);--Declaration
Procedure delete_from_db(val in test_check_age%rowtype)--define
delete from test_check_age ;
end ;
PROCEDURE INSERT_IN_DB (val in test_check_age%rowtype)
insert into test_check_age values (val.age,val.gender,'Himadas');
end ;
end vshn_pack_name;

Best example for forward declaration:
  procedure qwe1;
  -- REQUIRED forward declaration
  -- in case of mutual recursion
  procedure qwe2

  procedure qwe1


Thanks and enjoy creation of package and its subprogram